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Chances and Challenges of Globalisation

Globalisation is a very ambivalent development, because it provides opportunities as well as disadvantages for people all over the world. The following videos, produced by students in year 11, explain some aspects of the chances and challenges that globalisation brings about.
Globalisation - ShortfilmGlobalisation Shortfilm
by Lena and Amelie
cultureGlobalisation and Culture
by Tina, Julia and Kira
perspective of the poorGlobalisation from the perspective of the poor
by Malte, Levi, Mateo and Vincent
learning with billGlobalisation - learning with Bill
by Chiara, Charlotte, Josephine and Elisa
languageGlobalisation & Language
by Elisa, Emily and Alma
TransportTransport in Globalisation
by Johann and Pepe
Chances for peopleChances for people
Chances for communicationChances for communication
Challenges for communicationChallenges for communication
Chances for productsChances for products
Challenges for productsChallenges for products


Mo, 08.07.2024
- Fr, 19.07.2024
Compassion Klasse 9a/RS
Mi, 17.07.2024
- So, 21.07.2024
Berlinfahrt 10. Klassen/GY
Mo, 22.07.2024
Di, 23.07.2024
Do, 25.07.2024
- So, 08.09.2024
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